PER Human Resources – Jan 2020


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January 2020

Want to know the latest buzz in the HR arena?  Professional Employer Resources has a world of information in our newsletter. Not only is it fun, it’s resourceful! Including, important changes to federal and state employment practices.Eighty five percent (85%) of all employment lawsuits can be prevented!

Rising Above the HR Investigation Nightmare
HR Stories From The Front Lines*

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Have you investigated a seemingly straight forward issue only to learn the situation was more complicated than you ever imagined? Ever had an investigation where practically every person interviewed had a host of their own issues, complaints, and problems? This is exactly what happened to the HR Director in this month’s edition of HR Stories from the Frontlines.*

Read more.

(*These incidents really happened; but names and other details have been changed.)
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Stay Up to Date on the Latest Employment Legal Updates

Federal/All States:
New Year, New Laws: January 1, 2020

CCPA: Immediate Employer Requirements for Employees and Applicants
California Employers Still Uncertain If Mandatory Arbitration Agreements Are Legal
California Workplace Discrimination Statute Extended to Three Years

New Jersey:
New Jersey’s CROWN Act

New York:
New York Eliminates Tip Credit for All But Hospitality Industry Workers

Virginia Passes Restrictions on Employee Nondisclosure and Confidentiality Agreements for Sexual Assault

Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Become Available for Employee Use

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Do you have an HR question keeping you up at night? The following question was submitted to our HR Professionals in the past month …

Bible Study Groups in the Workplace:

Is praying in the workplace or conducting bible study in the workplace prohibited by law?

View the answer

This information is provided by ePlace Solutions, Inc. which is solely responsible for its content. ePlace Solutions, Inc. is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. Federal and state laws are more complex than presented here. This information is simplified for the sake of brevity and is not a substitute for legal advice. ePlace Solutions, Inc. disclaims any liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this information.


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