Want to know the latest buzz in the HR arena? Professional Employer Resources has a world of information in our newsletter. Not only is it fun it’s resourceful! Including, important changes to federal and state employment practices.Eighty five percent (85%) of all employment lawsuits can be prevented!
Is an Off-Duty Lap Dance Request
Cause for Alarm?
HR Stories From The Front Lines*
In today’s economy, your employees are more likely to moonlight in order to make ends meet. In general, this is permissible – provided that the employee’s second job doesn’t interfere with the workplace.
But, what happens when the employee’s second job causes one of your managers to engage in some questionable off-duty behavior? Read ahead to learn how one HR Manager handled this unique situation.
Do you have an HR question that has been keeping you up at night?
The following questions were submitted to our HR Professionals in the past month …Question #1
Our company would like to implement a points program where we issue citations (negative points) to employees for policy violations and citations (positive points) to employees for good behavior.
The points would ultimately impact the employee’s potential pay increases at review time. Do you recommend implementing this type of program?
Question #2
Our business is located in PA.
We have an employee (A) who is in a romantic relationship with another employee (B). They are not employed in the same department. Employee A reported to her supervisor that she was assaulted by Employee B
(they don’t live together). Employee A’s supervisor told HR. What is the employer’s duty in this situation? Thank you for your help.
Does FMLA Caregiver Leave Include a
Hawaiian Vacation?
Brain Teaser
Six weeks ago, Peter requested FMLA leave to care for his wife, who has terminal cancer. He provided medical certification and complied with all requirements for taking FMLA leave. His leave was designated as FMLA
for a period of 12 weeks.Yesterday, Julie, Peter’s coworker, told you that she saw pictures on Instagram of Peter and his wife on Waikiki Beach. Julie then showed you the pictures. Peter’s wife appears to be the picture of health and,
from what you have seen, they appear to be thoroughly enjoying their Hawaiian getaway with snorkeling, surfing, kayaking, and other strenuous physical activities.
You are shocked by this information and disappointed that Peter would abuse FMLA in such a manner. Your first instinct is to terminate Peter’s employment, but is this allowable? How should you proceed?
Peter should be terminated. He was clearly lying about his need for FMLA leave.
Peter should remain on FMLA leave and should not be disciplined for how his time on FMLA was spent. Peter provided all of the required information to take FMLA leave to care for his wife.
It is not your place to question his methods for providing care for his wife.
Call Peter and instruct him to return to work immediately, since the pictures prove that his wife no longer needs him to care for her.
Conduct an investigation and make a determination as to whether Peter is actually abusing FMLA leave.
Your employee Jack’s girlfriend recently had a baby. This morning, Jack came into your office requesting time off so that he can “bond” with his new son. How would you handle this request?
This information is provided by ePlace Solutions, Inc. which is solely responsible for its content. ePlace Solutions, Inc. is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. Federal and state laws are more complex than presented here. This information is simplified for the sake of brevity and is not a substitute for legal advice. ePlace Solutions, Inc. disclaims any liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this information.Opt out of receiving similar emails in the future.