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Short Changed? Dealing with Theft in the Workplace
Is your business losing cash? Is there theft in your workplace? Could it be your customers? Worse yet, is it your employees? Perhaps it’s time to review the checks and balances in your cash handling procedures. Read more.
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You run a 24 hour/7 day a week manufacturing operation. On the application form, you ask applicants for their availability throughout the week. On his application, Kevin stated he can work any time, any day of the week. Once hired, he lets you know he cannot work on Saturdays for religious reasons. Company policy states all employees will be rotated to work weekends and no accommodations will be made for any reason. While you can probably accommodate Kevin’s request, you fear others will complain the accommodation is unfair and employee morale will be affected.
How should you handle this issue?
You must accommodate the employee. Your policy or the fact that other employees think it is unfair has no bearing on your requirement to accommodate under the law.
You cannot accommodate Kevin’s schedule. Your company policy does not allow for any accommodation. This would not be fair to others and would be “reverse discrimination.”
Kevin did not indicate his need for accommodation and lied on his application; therefore, he forfeited his right to a religious accommodation.
Timeliness is important to any operation. Employees that do not follow the attendance policy by not being on time to work can cause the company, team members, customers, and vendors to waste valuable time. Part of a managers responsibility is to ensure that they and their team are on time and ready to work. Read More.