Why Do Good Employees Leave?

They’re great at what they do, and your business directly benefits from their input — but what exactly makes good employees want to work somewhere else? Do they have a personal issue with you, your office, or your company? Are they no longer interested in the perks that once drew them in? Or, are they simply looking for a salary your company can’t quite provide? Here are some of the top reasons why good employees leave.

They Don’t Feel Fulfilled 

Great employees strive to make a difference in their workplace — and in their industry. If you or anyone else in your management team sets low expectations or discourages employees when they try to input new ideas or innovate workplace practices, it can rub off the wrong way on workers that care the most. Instill a sense of pride in your employees by starting from the top. Training your management team to be better leaders, and it will encourage them to expect the best from subordinates at all levels.  

They Need Better Benefits 

No matter how hard you work on your office culture or how much compensation you offer, you still risk your greatest employees when you don’t provide the right benefits. Employees expect a strong benefits package — one with ancillary options, as well as health, dental, and life policies. If you don’t already offer a competitive benefits package, you may want to partner with a provider that can help you design the right one for your staff. 

They Aren’t Being Recognized 

The best employees put in the best work — and they deserve to be recognized for it. Likewise, top-performing staff members don’t always work for praise, but they can still feel underrecognized when it never comes their way. Consider implementing a recognition program, which can include Employee of the Month awards, employee recognition lunches, or email blasts that congratulate your top-performing workers at the end of each quarter. These simple expressions of gratitude go a long way when you want to retain your talent. 

They Feel Like Management Doesn’t Trust Them 

You may feel compelled to micromanage your staff because you’ve seen issues with time management or efficiency in the past. This management style can quickly become an issue, because your employees can tell when you don’t trust them. If you’re having a hard time trusting your employees to do their job without handholding or a constant watchful eye, consider improving your onboarding process so your workers are better trained from the start. Or, think about working with an organization that can assist with the task of tracking their performance. 

Co-Employ Your Employees 

Whether you’ve recently had to say goodbye to a good employee or are dedicated to making the changes necessary to keep all of your workers right where they are, Professional Employer Resources (PER) is ready to help. As a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), we can co-employ your workforce while providing cost-effective, personalized human resource services designed to improve satisfaction and retain talent at all levels. To learn more contact us today. 

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