PER Human Resources – Oct 2023

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per oct 2023 not this time

Forgive Forget …
NOT this time


Forgiveness.  It’s a good thing, right?


But should you “forgive and forget” when a top producer (who is “tight” with the boss), gets physical with female employees? Is this a “woman scorned” situation?


How should the HR manager handle this challenging situation? Read on for more details.


(**These incidents are based on real cases. Names and other details were changed.**)

per brain teaser

An employee failed to show up for work and failed to notify the company of his absence for three consecutive days. In accordance with Company policy, after the third day, the employee was notified via letter that because of his three consecutive “no-call/no-show” absences, the Company considers the employee to have abandoned his job, and views this as a voluntary resignation from employment.


Three days after sending the letter, the Company receives a call from the employee’s wife, advising the Company that the employee had been in the hospital for the past week and asking the Company to reinstate the employee and allow him to return to work.


Should the company reinstate the employee?

  1. No, the employee has abandoned his job, which is a voluntary resignation. No matter the reason for the absence, the employee violated the attendance policy, and the Company has no obligation to reinstate the employee.
  2. Maybe. The Company needs to determine if the reason for the employee’s absence is protected under state or federal law and, after that determination is made, then choose an appropriate course of action.
  3. Yes, there was an extenuating circumstance (the employee’s hospitalization) that prevented the employee from following Company procedure; therefore, the employee must be reinstated.

Read on for the correct answer.

PER hr new laws and regulations

Federal Updates
Reminder to Use the New Form I-9 November 1


Background Check Requirements Revised
Fast Food Council and Worker Minimum Wage $20
More Paid Sick Leave for All


Update Your Paid Sick and Safe Leave Policy


Adds Free Speech to Wrongful Termination


New Jersey
MUST READ – New Obligations When Separating Employment



Copyright © 2023 ePlace Solutions, Inc., All rights reserved.
This information is provided by ePlace Solutions, Inc. which is solely responsible for its content. ePlace Solutions, Inc. is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. Federal and state laws are more complex than presented here. This information is simplified for the sake of brevity and is not a substitute for legal advice. ePlace Solutions, Inc. disclaims any liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this information.

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