PER Human Resources – Aug 2020


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Want to know the latest buzz in the HR arena?  Professional Employer Resources has a world of information in our newsletter. Not only is it fun, it’s resourceful! Including, important changes to federal and state employment practices.

Eighty five percent (85%) of all employment lawsuits can be prevented!

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Requiring Employees to Quarantine After Personal Travel

Felicity, an employee, went on a pre-planned vacation midst the pandemic. Brooke, the manager, wants Felicity to quarantine away from their place of business for 14 days when she returns.*

  • Can Brooke make that requirement?
  • How does Felicity manage the financial effects of being away from work for vacation AND quarantine?

Read on to learn our HR Professionals advice.

(*These incidents are based on real cases. Names and other details have been changed.)

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Can an employer require employees get tested for COVID-19?

It depends.

Learn More


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Department of Labor has Issued New FMLA Forms

Generalized Fear of COVID-19 Does Not Justify Work Refusals

ACTION REQUIRED: Colorado Mandates Paid Sick Leave

Florida Requires E-Verify for Some Private Employers

New York:
ACTION REMINDER: New York Paid Sick Leave

South Carolina:
South Carolina Enacts Lactation Support Act

Virginia Requires Employer Action to Control Spread of COVID-19

Copyright © 2020 ePlace Solutions, Inc., All rights reserved.

This information is provided by ePlace Solutions, Inc. which is solely responsible for its content. ePlace Solutions, Inc. is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. Federal and state laws are more complex than presented here. This information is simplified for the sake of brevity and is not a substitute for legal advice. ePlace Solutions, Inc. disclaims any liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this information.


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