PER Human Resources – Mar 2022


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Want to know the latest buzz in the HR arena? Professional Employer Resources has a world of information in our newsletter. Not only is it fun, but it’s also resourceful! Including, important changes to federal and state employment practices.

Eighty-five percent (85%) of all employment lawsuits can be prevented!

per mar 2022 avoid potential lawsuits

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Avoid Potential Lawsuits by Calling an HR Professional

Have you ever wondered why we encourage you to call an HR Professional before every termination? Simple. 85 percent of all employment lawsuits can be prevented just by making one simple call. Sounds too good to be true, right? Read on for a story Illustrating how one call to the HR Professionals saved a delivery company from SEVERAL potential lawsuits.

per mar 2022 ask an

Question: We have an employee whose job performance has declined over the past several months. We have spoken to him several times about his recent job performance problems, but this employee has not shown any improvement. While we are not at the point where we are looking to terminate this employee, we are looking for suggestions on how to best proceed to address this situation.

Read on for the answer.

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Federal Arbitration Act – No Forced Arbitration of Sexual Harassment or Assault Claims

UPDATE 2/21/2022: California – The Return of COVID Supplemental Paid Sick Leave

Massachusetts: COVID Emergency Paid Sick Leave Ends March 15

New Jersey: Notice to Employee of Tracking Device Required

New York City: Job Postings Must Have Salary Range

New York: Prior Notice of Employee Monitoring Required

Pennsylvania: Proposed Amendments to Tip Credit Rules

Copyright © 2022 ePlace Solutions, Inc., All rights reserved.

This information is provided by ePlace Solutions, Inc. which is solely responsible for its content. ePlace Solutions, Inc. is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. Federal and state laws are more complex than presented here. This information is simplified for the sake of brevity and is not a substitute for legal advice. ePlace Solutions, Inc. disclaims any liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this information.


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